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Six Reasons Why You Need To Learn Hindi

Six Reasons Why You Need To Learn Hindi

People learn a language as they use it to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and experiences and establish relationships with family members and friends. 

Learning new languages can be beneficial for getting a new job, understanding culture, and boosting your confidence while communicating. Growing interest in learning new languages like Hindi contributes to further brain development.

Significance of Hindi Language

Hindi is one of the most spoken languages across India and ranks in the top 10 spoken languages globally. Hindi language holds a substantial place as the 3rd most spoken language across the globe. 

Due to the extensive variation and a vast population that speaks Hindi, it has emerged as having one of the largest language communities globally. Its prevalence is growing quickly not only within the Indian subcontinent but also across the world.

Why Learn Hindi? 

Learning Hindi is valuable as it improves your ability to communicate with millions of people world-wide. Learning Hindi can help you navigate cultural distinctions. It exposes children to diverse ideas, perspectives, and traditions.

Start learning Hindi today as you can have a better understanding of Indian tradition. Learn Hindi for a much-needed edge to your career. Hindi is a fantastic language to learn if you want to travel across Indian states. 

Let us explore six reasons to learn Hindi.

Reason 1: Cultural Enrichment

India is the birthplace of globally followed religions Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. These religions reflect rich Indian culture. Every religion follows their own rules, beliefs, and customs. 

India is rich in culture and is known for its largest collection of music, dance, performing art, paintings, and writings. These are also known as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Understanding Hindi can provide deeper insight into films. Bollywood has long influenced Indian society and culture. It is the biggest entertainment society. 

Many of society's fashion trends, weddings, dancing, and musicals are Bollywood inspired. You can understand and enjoy Indian culture, films, music, and literature more deeply if you learn Hindi.

India is known for its traditional festivals like Diwali, Holi, Navratri, Ganesha Chaturthi and many more. Learning Hindi can enhance your understanding of traditional festivals and how to best celebrate them.

Reason 2: Business Opportunities

India’s growth is outpacing other growing economies whether it is the banking sector or manufacturing. It is 4th in the world in renewable energy installed capacity. India is the 5th biggest economy across the world. Its position as a global business hub is growing fast.

Knowing Hindi can enhance new business ventures and partnerships. India offers excellent opportunities for foreign investors. Knowing Hindi language can boost success in business.

Many successful foreign companies are operating in India. For example, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, PepsiCo, and many more. So, learning Hindi can open gates of new business opportunities.

Reason 3: Enhanced Travel Experiences

Hindi is the most extensively accessed and spoken language in India. Speaking Hindi can enhance your travel experience in India and South Asia. Learning Hindi is extremely useful when it comes to communicating with locals like taxi drivers, porters, waiters, and hotel staff.

Knowing Hindi can make conversations easy with the locals and you can enjoy accessing authentic experiences.

Knowing Hindi language can show respect for the localised culture and can assist you navigate your daily living while travelling with ease. You can easily navigate cities and regions if you learn Hindi as it is the most spoken language in India.

Reason 4: Connect with a Large Community

Hindi is one of the official and highly professional languages in India with 52.83 crore speakers. Hindi ranks high as the most spoken language in the world.

Best way to know the language deeper and enjoy practicing speaking would be by forming connections and friendships with local and global Hindi speakers. Also, you can join Hindi speaking communities.

Several online platforms and groups are available where you can learn Hindi language with ease and swiftly.

Reason 5: Cognitive and Personal Growth

Many cognitive benefits like better creativity, better memory skills, better understanding of people's emotions can be achieved by learning a new language. Studies show that people who speak more languages often have more empathy and a global mindset.

Mastering a new language can lift your assurance and result in personal growth as it improves your communication skills at work as well as with family and friends.

People who know multiple languages are adaptable as they can engross with a varied range of people, ideas, and culture. Learning a rich language like Hindi opens a new world for the learner and will boost his confidence.

Reason 6: Access to Diverse Content

Abundant content is available online on learning Hindi. Including films, literature, plays and songs. Many online resources are available for starters to start learning Hindi.

Learning Hindi can help learners enjoy new and fresh entertainment mediums. It provides easy access to a broader range of knowledge about culture and festivals.

So, is it hard to learn Hindi language? Learners can improve their skills of learning Hindi language by reading Hindi text whether it is news online or subtitles for a film. Any form of reading can be a way to practice and improve their Hindi language skills.

Key Takeaways 

Finally, to conclude, learning Hindi is very beneficial. It improves confidence whether you are travelling to India for fun or are on a new business venture. Also, it helps you to connect with a large community. 

Along with this, learning a new language always improves your mental health and is good for your personal growth. Learning a language might not be very easy but with abundance of content available it can be easily learnt. 

Using her rich experience as a Hindi Language Instructor, Geetanjali Dhar has taken her teaching methods and approaches on a global level. Leveraging the Sanskriti application, children of all ages can now access her Hindi teaching practices.

So, is it difficult to learn Hindi language? By using an engaging platform like Sanskriti app for learning Hindi can be easy, fun, and insightful. 


  1. Why should I consider learning Hindi?

As one of the leading Indian languages, learning Hindi opens gates to connections with a larger portion of the Indian population living across the world. India is a land of varied culture, lively economy, and heritage making Hindi learning helpful for travel, professional work, and exploration.

  1. How can learning Hindi benefit my career?

The maturing Indian economy impacts even the world-wide market. If you want to successfully crack the Indian Market, knowing Hindi can be a great benefit. Most companies in India enable most of their dealings in Hindi language.

  1. How hard is it to learn Hindi from English? 

Let us first answer is Hindi hard to learn for English speakers. Hindi language is rather tough to learn for English speakers considering facets like the script being intricate. However, the advantages of learning this language make it worth it in many areas. To learn Hindi from English, you must put in extra effort, time, and energy.

  1. Will learning Hindi help me understand Indian culture better?

Learning Hindi not only facilitates better communication with people but also enables learners to interact with India's cultural tapestry, enhancing an in-depth appreciation and comprehend this great nation.

  1. How can learning apps help me learn Hindi quicker?

Language learning apps provide Hindi courses for all types of learners. These applications are friendly and precise for even those initiating right from scratch. They offer a well-structured learning path with components to make the learning procedure fun.

  1. How long does it typically take to learn Hindi?

Although it rests on the level, you would like to explore and learn. If you are a novice and want to communicate with the locals merely, then you can learn the Hindi language by practising in merely some months. It will be sufficient for intermediate learning.