Published - Fri, 27 Jan 2023

Can I Learn Hindi over the internet?

Can I Learn Hindi over the internet?

Learning to speak a brand-new language is not quite as effortless as learning your alphabet. There are so many dissected ways that a new learner can dive into comprehending a new language, and this normally leans on their level (usually they are at the beginners level or intermediate level) and which learning tools they cope with the best.

For example, some learners may be more eager to be proactive and scroll the Internet to discover useful resources, whereas others may feel completely directionless without the benevolence of a tutor or structured online courses. Using the Internet, particularly through structured apps or lessons, a learner finds a great balance between signing up for an expensive language course (or hiring a Hindi speaking tutor) and getting by all on your own in the world of Hindi.

The most conventional method of learning languages has now transformed. From rote learning from a textbook to a teacher giving a lecture on the usage of grammar, learning new languages has taken a drastic change since the smartphone and Internet technology has sprung up. If you strive to learn one of the primary languages of India, Hindi, here are some pros and cons of some of the leading language apps through which you can master this ancient language with much ease.

Duolingo & uTalk - The Apps to Learn Hindi

One of the most effective language apps out there, Duolingo works in two diverse ways. If you are an all-in-all beginner, you can begin the linguistic journey with the fundamentals, and if you know the basics, you can move on to the latter option. The app requires you to spend 15 minutes every day on one of their classes. Similar to other Hindi-learning apps out there, there is a playing-and-learning method involved, with “games” helping in learning Hindi. The app is free and is available for Apple and Android phones.

“It’s crammed full of useful, everyday words and phrases which are divided into topics. Each topic will take roughly two to three hours to complete but you can dip in for five minutes or more at a time. Learn when you want, at your own pace. And with 60+ topics, that’s a total of up to 180 hours of learning in each language.”

Setting you back $12.99 on the AppStore, Learn Hindi or uTalk, is somewhat similar to Duolingo. A complete beginner can learn how to read, pronounce, enunciate and listen to core words used in Hindi. If you are determined to learn basic words of the Hindi language through daily lessons and games and are willing to invest in an app, try uTalk. 

Online Classes & YouTube Channels - Learn Hindi

The beginner’s favourite online resource for learning a foreign language like Hindi tends to be online classes. 

Online language classes are designed the same way as conventional classes with a designated Hindi teacher. Instead of looking for a local teacher to visit your house or workplace to teach you Hindi, you can virtually connect with your teacher via Skype, Google Meet or any other video chat tool. Online classes can be formal one-on-one sessions or informal tutoring lessons. In an informal session you set the direction for the class and your teacher helps you with whatever you want to work on.

Another great way to learn Hindi over the internet is the prospective Youtube Channels. You can go over Hindipod101 (Youtube channel). The creators behind some popular online apps also have Hindi learning channels on Youtube. Hindi can be an enriching experience with the episodes where you can take the baby steps towards a wholesome learning experience.

Online courses, classes, apps and Youtube channels are surely among the four most effective ways to learn Hindi over the internet. Different learners gel with different folks, so don't shy away from trying your hand at each one!