As Indian expatriate families relocate to different parts of the world in pursuit of work opportunities and personal growth, younger generations are at risk of losing touch with their linguistic roots. Sanskriti was founded with the intention of nurturing the intangible cultural heritage by keeping the Indian language alive, no matter where families relocate to.

Sanskriti Founder and CEO, Geetanjali Dhar holds a deep passion for the Hindi language and since 2006, she has been honing her teaching craft. What began as small, hands-on classes in Hong Kong, has developed into a state-of-the-art, global, technological power tool.

By leveraging her previous invaluable experience as a Hindi language instructor, Geetanjali was able to blend her holistic development approach to education, with her deep connection to Indian culture. From this unique perspective, the Sanskriti curriculum was born. Following the incredible success she achieved in Hong Kong, Geetanjali took a giant leap forward – and go global.

No longer limited to Hong Kong borders, Sanskriti has allowed Geetanjali to provide students worldwide access to her proven teaching methods. This exponential growth has benefitted over 6,800 students of various nationalities to date. The curriculum, designed for children of all ages and stages, affords students the opportunity to reconnect to their culture.

As the platform grows, it continues to transform future leaders and change-makers into multilingual global citizens. These tools are intrinsic for communication, business and wider career options.